
Why Chorus???

Want to find out more about chorus? Here is some information that will help you discover more about chorus. To learn a few of the things we do in class, visit daniellchorus.org

Here is a video of our fabulous singers at one of our fall concerts:

Why should you join Chorus?

  1. Everyone has a voice.
  2. That voice comes free and portable. No purchase necessary, and you can take it wherever you go.
  3. Your voice is highly flexible. You can learn how to sing all styles of music.
  4. Choral music has a melody, harmony and words. Reading, counting, comprehension, foreign languages, expression… We’ve got it all!
  5. Choral music has messages and meaning. From discovering folk traditions and world music to singing about social justice and civil rights, choral music provides a powerful means of cultural and historical expression. We sing about something.
  6. Choral singing is a collaborative endeavor. We sing together.
  7. Choral singing can be taught in ways that work for all kinds of learners.
  8. Choral singing is a lifelong activity. There are over 300,000 choruses in communities large and small eager to welcome singers at any age.
  9. Singing is FUN!

What do we learn in Chorus?

  • how to read rhythm & pitch using solfege (do, re, mi, etc.)
  • how to sing beautifully in a way that is healthy for your voice

“Music making exercises the brain as well as the body, but singing is particularly beneficial for improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Listening to and participating in music has been shown to be effective in pain relief, too, probably due to the release of neurochemicals like endorphins.”

Jacques Launay, Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
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